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Direct Mail Extinct?

Thursday May 09, 2019

Direct Mail Extinct?

Think Direct Mail is Extinct? Think Again!

We love to hear people say direct mail is dead because we know it means our customers’ direct mail campaigns have less competition. Contrary to popular belief, though it seems every one is so dependent upon the instant in-your-face digital age methods these days, traditional printed direct mail marketing is anything but extinct.


Sorry Ads

And, aren’t you tired of all the time-consuming pop-ups and interruptions that online marketing pushes at you? A simple postcard received in the mail gives customers an option to save it and go back to it later … no annoying pop-ups… time is precious these days. And, let’s face it, people love to get mail! Whether it’s because mail is becoming a lot less common, or because we like the feel of personal attention when we see our name on mail, there’s no denying that getting mail is exciting and much more efficient in increasing consumer interest than email.


What is the average response rate for direct mail?

In its response rate report, the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) analyzed Bizo and Epsilon data and found that direct mail achieves a 4.4% response rate, compared to 0.12% for email. Overall, the DMA found that direct mail's response rates are actually anywhere from 10 to 30 times higher than that of digital.



Lady at mailbox


Direct mail advertising remains a powerful force. In fact, a U.S Postal Service® survey shows that 74 percent of Generation X and 68 percent of Generation Y direct mail receivers read retail advertising mail. People love to get snail mail!


The Advantages of Direct Mail Marketing


1. Your business will stand out more with direct mail marketing.


Postcards reach their intended destination. Unlike e-mail, they aren’t subject to spam filters, opt-outs or blacklisting.

We suggest a test that you can do yourself: After collecting your mail for a few days, spread it across the table. Note the pieces that stand out at a glance. Chances are it will be the largest ones “Bigger is better”  and those with the most easily, instantly assimilated graphics.


Big pig


2. It’s Personal


With Direct Mail you can add that personal touch and address your customers by name. People look forward to seeing what they get in the mail (besides bills of course!). We value having something in our hands. And, they are more likely to respond to a special offer that is addressed to their personal needs.


Maureen PC


3. You can target specific customers who are interested in your product.


You choose who you want mail to be sent to and when it will be sent. Direct Mail is more focused and targeted to individuals who will most likely respond to your offer.




4. Direct Mail is Trackable


Direct Mail gives you the ability to track the success of your campaign. Whether it’s counting the number of coupons redeemed, visits to custom landing pages, or inquiries generated. By tracking and analyzing results, you can see what is working and if any changes need to be made.


5. Direct Mail comes in all shapes and sizes!


You can choose from postcards, brochures, letters, coupons, and so much more. As the name suggests, it’s the only media channel that physically allows you to place your message in your customers’ hands. With the use of coupons, QR Codes, etc. you get your customers actively involved. 


Mailbox words

When it comes to marketing, business owners know that success isn't guaranteed. You could be reaching disinterested consumers whether you go with direct mail marketing, television and radio ads or even social media.You're more likely to reach customers who are receptive to your message these days than you were in years past.

So maybe you don't get a quick short-term sale every time a potential consumer sees your direct mail marketing materials. But when people see your direct mail, even if it's just a brief glance, it helps get your name out there. And, it may help you get more sales down the road.


Direct mail marketing is a form of advertising that has stuck around for a reason. If you use it effectively, it may show your customers that your business isn't going anywhere, either.